
The GrassRoots Growers host events on a variety of topics related to vegetable and flower gardening, and the food we eat. Our events range from guest seminars and workshops, to open table discussions and film nights. We also host seed exchanges and an annual spring plant sale, as well as participate in other local events.

See what’s happening…


Speaker Series: Growing Indoor Microgreens

Speaker Series: Growing Indoor Microgreens

Microgreens 101, a talk and hand on demo with guest speaker and sustainable farmer Tammara Maher. Discover the history, nutritional information and culinary uses of these remarkable nutrient-dense greens. Learn more as Tammara leads a hands-on demo of how to grow these beauties at home for yourself and your family this winter!

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2014 Mystery Garden Tour

2014 Mystery Garden Tour

The two gardens we visited today are very different from each other. One is a relatively new garden focused on growing organic edibles, including fruits, vegetables and herbs and raising chickens for meat and eggs; the other is a well-established garden dedicated about 50/50 to edible and decorative plants.

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